The Devastating Signs of Your Wife's Emotional Affair - Obliterate Your Doubts!

The worry of an emotional affair can be a very painful thing. The thought of your wife confiding in another man...the smile on her face when she gets a text from him, the worry that she might leave you entirely, the thought of her being intimate with could find yourself depressed, unable to eat, unable to cope with anything.


Perhaps in your heart you know she is having an affair but you want to make absolutely sure, you want to prove it. Maybe you have asked her outright - and she says he is just a good friend, nothing more, she denies anything sexual. But still she refuses to let you look at the texts from him. Or look at her emails, or at her social network account.


You remember when she was a girl, when you were dating. There was nothing you wanted more than to hold her and make her laugh, to make her happy. You remember when you were married, and she looked so great! She knew that you were her man and she was so contented in that.


But now things have taken a definite downturn... review so what are the signs that she is having an emotional affair?


The Signs


1. She walks around looking dreamily at her phone, waiting for his call or text.


2. She used to wear sweats and no make up, now she doesn't step out of the house unless she is all dressed up and looks HOT!


3. She is not interested in sex anymore. At all.


4. She is only vaguely interested in any family activities.


5. Before you could set your watch by her getting home from work, now she has to "work late", or even travel for work!


If your wife is showing these signs, then it extremely likely that she is having an emotional affair. Although she may think it is only YourChristianDate friendship - well we know where that sort of friendship leads don't we?


Your Best Tactics


You are going to need some great psychological tactics to make her sit up and take notice of you. She needs to know that you are not prepared to be jerked around by her playing at being a girlfriend to someone else.


She must know that you are prepared to make effort to understand what her needs are, so make sure she is aware that you will do what you can to fulfill them. Otherwise, what will prevent her looking for someone else?


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